⚡️It’s almost GAME DAY, Diggers!⚡️ Tomorrow is the big day – our home opener against Williston State! Get ready to bring the noise and show off that Montana Tech spirit! Wear your green and copper loud and proud, and let’s fill the stands with Digger pride!

⚡️It’s almost GAME DAY, Diggers!⚡️ Tomorrow is the big day – our home opener against Williston State! Get ready to bring the noise and show off that Montana Tech spirit! Wear your green and copper loud and proud, and let’s fill the stands with Digger pride!

⚡️It’s almost GAME DAY, Diggers!⚡️ Tomorrow is the big day – our home opener against Williston State! Get ready to bring the noise and show off that Montana Tech spirit! Wear your green and copper loud and proud, and let’s fill the stands with Digger pride! Let’s kick...